Hills, hills and more hills……

“If the hill has its own name, then it’s probably a pretty tough hill.”

~Marty Stern

Heartbreak & Agony are just a few of the tough hills I will be running (who am I kidding…..power walking, climbing, shuffling or crawling….) up soon at the VT100.  If they have a name like Stern’s quote says, then they must be toughies, right?? Yup, they are.

It’s hard to believe that the VT100 is a mere sixty-nine days away. Holy Shit…..  Training is really ramping up these past weeks.  This week I put down 52.2 miles with an elevation change of 6,598ft in three runs.  My highest weekly mileage to date.  Ankle is holding up well, I’m being very adamant about rest days……. I know how important they are in this whole process.  I’m being proactive with stretching and seeing my chiropractor on a regular basis.  I already have an appointment lined up for the week before the 100.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. Probably because I haven’t run farther than fifty miles at a time….. I have days where I stop suddenly in my tracks and say “I’d still be running!” or before bed while brushing my teeth, “yup, still running” or in the morning the next day as I’m getting the kids off to school……”ahh, still running!!!!!!!!!!” Of course I HOPE I’m still running, because that’s the goal…to FINISH!…..I’m feeling like I will be using most of the 30 hours to get this done, so visualizing myself doing this and crossing the finish line is key.  I’m still working on my stomach.  I’m taking an acid reducer the night and morning before long runs, I’m honing in on eating during these longs runs, which is getting easier with the aid of Tailwind and the pure act of making myself EAT.  Lulu and Joe also mentioned trying to eat a small bite of food every 20 minutes, rather than waiting until you feel hungry….gonna try this as well.   I’ve noticed improvement, but if there is one concern for this race, it’s my stomach.  I have a fear of throwing up, which is not the best one to have as an ultra runner.  I despise, loathe, and hate vomiting.  I cry like a baby, I pretty much am a baby when I’m or anyone around me is doing this God awful thing…….thank goodness I never had morning sickness, I would have been a complete mess.  So I’m working hard on keeping my stomach in check. Do anyone of you out there suffer with stomach issues during your ultras? I would love to hear what helps you.

Pinelands 50 is fast approaching….3 weeks from today.  I love having another race to use as practice for the big dance.  I’m going to use it as a stepping stone race, no need for PR’s or pushing myself too much.  Just nice and steady, using my time wisely at the aid stations and getting around the course feeling good.  Soon I’ll be checking the weather to see what conditions will be.  Except for my run with Raven in Miami, I’ve yet to train in any sorta of heat or humidity.  I can’t wait for it to warm up in VT and run in some HOT and HUMID temps. I’m excited that so many friends are heading to Maine for this race, and my whole family is running it.  Hubs is in the 50 miler and our two boys are doing the 25k, I think they are secretly going just for the Swedish Fish at the aid stations, ha-ha….. There are also a few new friends that I’d like to meet there as well.  Should be a fun weekend for us all……

Yesterday I finished up my weekly training with a 21 miler with new friends and my lovely hubs.  Lulu and Joe drove up from NYC in the pouring rain Friday and stayed the night with us.  It was fun to finally meet her in person after corresponding on Instagram @ lulu.mnyc . She too will be running the VT100 , with Joe as her trusty crew and pacer.  We enjoyed a great day on the trails with slight humidity, rain, sunshine, wind, muddiness, lots of chit-chat and of course taking fun pics.  We loved having them, Alba did too!! Can’t wait to see you Lulu in less than 2 months!!! Keep up with your great training!!!  We’re gonna Kill the hills girl!!!

Lulu and I jumping for joy on the trails….


I’m staying positive, motivated, grateful and happy about the upcoming 100.  When I told my good friend, Laura Farrell (who is the founder of the VT100, thank you Laura for all you do) that I’m very NERVOUS and excited, she gave me this wisdom….. “Please remember that at the 100 mile, you get to spend a whole day doing something you love.”  This has really stuck with me, I hear her words in my head while training and in life.  I’m looking at this as an adventure…..one step at a time. I’m going into it with a BIG SMILE on my face.  It won’t be easy, it won’t be all fun and games…..but running is something I love doing and I’m so thrilled that I get a chance to take a shot at one of my biggest goals……

Happy training and remember to always have fun!!!!!!

See you on the trails……thanks for following me…….

Krista 🙂 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I want you so very bad Mr. buckle…..I’ll take the small one 🙂

2 thoughts on “Hills, hills and more hills……

  1. Good luck and have an amazing time with the rest of your training… and your race! This year will be my 10th VT 50, haven’t made the jump to 100 (yet). I will be volunteering at the VT 100 this year with the shenipsit striders, can’t wait to be there. Good luck with the stomach/nutrition aspect also, that can be so tough. Maybe add some ginger chews to the arsenal?

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